May 23 Beijing Roll Market Price Quotes

Name of product specification Materials Steel factory / origin Today's price (yuan/ton) Yesterday's price (yuan/ton) Change (yuan/ton)
Cold rolled sheet 0.5*1000*2000 Q195 Angang 5400-5450 5400-5450 constant
Cold rolled sheet 0.7*1000*2000 Q195 Bengang/Anshan Iron and Steel 5300-5350 5300-5350 constant
Cold rolled sheet 1.0*1000*2000 Q195 Bengang/Anshan Iron and Steel 5000-5050 5000-5050 constant
Cold rolled sheet 1.2*1000*2000 Q195 Bengang/Anshan Iron and Steel 5000-5050 5000-5050 constant
Cold rolled sheet 1.5*1000*2000 Q195 Bengang/Anshan Iron and Steel 5000-5050 5000-5050 constant
Cold rolled sheet 2.0*1000*2000 Q195 Bengang/Anshan Iron and Steel 5000-5050 5000-5050 constant
Cold rolled sheet 3.0*1000*2000 Q195 Bengang/Anshan Iron and Steel 5300-5350 5300-5350 constant
Hot rolled plate 2.0*1250*C Q235 Taigang 4600-4650 4600-4650 constant
Hot rolled plate 2.75*1250*C Q235 Tang Gang / TISCO 4250-4400 4250-4400 constant
Hot rolled plate 3.0*1250*C Q235 Angang/TISCO 4050-4100 4050-4100 constant
Hot rolled plate 3.0*1250*C Q235 Tangshan Iron and Steel 4050-4100 4050-4100 constant
Hot rolled plate 4.75*1250*C Q235 Tangshan Steel / Baotou Steel 4000-4050 4050-4100 Fall 50
Hot rolled plate 5.5*1500*C Q235 Tangshan Steel / Baotou Steel 4000-4050 4050-4100 Fall 50
Hot rolled plate 11.5*1500*C Q235 Tangshan Steel / Baotou Steel 4000-4050 4050-4100 Fall 50
Plate 6mm Q235B Tian Gang 4900-4950 4900-4950 constant
Plate 8mm Q235B Tian Gang 4800-4850 4800-4850 constant
Plate 12mm Q235B Tian Gang 4300-4350 4300-4350 constant
Plate 14-20mm Q235B Tian Gang 4200-4250 4200-4250 constant
Plate 16-20mm Q235B Angang 4200-4250 4200-4250 constant
Plate 16-20mm Q235B Handan Iron and Steel 4200-4250 4200-4250 constant
Checkerboard 3.0mm Q235 Taigang 4500-4550 4500-4550 constant
Checkerboard 4.0mm Q235 Taigang 4400-4450 4400-4450 constant
Checkerboard 5.0mm Q235 Taigang 4400-4450 4400-4450 constant
Checkerboard 6.0mm Q235 Taigang 4400-4450 4400-4450 constant
Boiler plate 6mm 20g New Steel 5350 5350 constant
Boiler plate 8mm 20g Angang 4930 4930 constant
Boiler plate 10mm 20g Angang 4800 4800 constant
Boiler plate 12mm 20g Angang 4600 4600 constant
Boiler plate 14-20mm 20g Angang 4450 4450 constant
Container board 6mm 16MnR Jinan Steel 5500 5500 constant
Container board 8mm 16MnR Jinan Steel 5310 5310 constant
Container board 10mm 16MnR Jinan Steel 5190 5190 constant
Container board 12mm 16MnR Jinan Steel 4890 4890 constant
Container board 14-20mm 16MnR Jinan Steel 4890 4890 constant
Low alloy plate 25-30mm Q345B Shougang 4350-4400 4350-4400 constant
Low alloy plate 14-20mm Q345B Shougang 4300-4350 4300-4350 constant
Low alloy plate 30-40mm Q345B Angang 4400-4450 4400-4450 constant

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Led Street Light

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