Italy SEKO metering pump maintenance issues

When using the Italian SEKO dosing pump, the pump requires simple maintenance only when the chemicals added are prone to crystals or the pump requires a long time to start up. However, be aware that when performing any maintenance on the pump, make sure the following: Wear protective gloves and pay attention to eyes to avoid chemical damage to yourself. Disconnect all power connections. Reduce the pressure in the drain pipe to disconnect and drain the pipette. Remove the pump fittings and invert the pump to remove debris from the pump housing. Wash the outer surface of the pump with water and wash away any chemical residue. If pump is not used for a long time, clean the pump and the bottom valve filter with a cleaning agent that easily removes residual chemicals in the pump. For chemicals prone to crystal formation, the bottom valve filter is periodically cleaned with a detergent that easily removes residual chemicals from the pump.

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