Green ICT Standard Promotes Sustainable Development of the Industry

ICT is a combination of information, communication and technology (ICT). It is a new concept and new technology field formed by the integration of information technology and communication technology. It is also an abbreviation of the online tester.

I. ITU Telecommunication Standardization Organization (ITU-T), climate change and environmental protection

Information and communication technologies (ICTs), including satellites, mobile phones, and the Internet, can play a key role in addressing climate change and sustainable development.

At the World Telecommunication Standards Conference (WTSA-12) held in Dubai in November 2012, ITU's 193 member states passed Resolution 73 on ICT, environment and climate change.

By enhancing the understanding of the role of ICTs in solving environmental problems (including climate change issues), ITU-T is committed to promoting the application of innovative ICT solutions to environmental issues and to the development of green ICT standards for future sustainable development.

The ITU-T Study Group 5 is the ITU's main research group on the environment and climate change. Climate change issues (work scope) currently under study include:

Q 13/5 Reducing the environmental impact of e-waste, etc.;

Q 14/5 is a low-cost, sustainable telecommunications infrastructure for rural communications in developing countries;

Q 15/5 ICT and adaptation to climate change;

Q 16/5 Use and improve the environmental sustainability of ICTs;

Q 17/5 Coordination of energy efficiency and environmental standards in the ICT industry;

Q 18/5 ICT Environmental Impact Assessment Method;

Q 19/5 power supply system.

Second, the ICT industry environmental impact assessment method

The ITU-T is developing a standardized set of methods for evaluating the environmental impact of ICTs, including the greenhouse gas emissions of the ICT industry itself and the reductions achieved through the application of green ICT technologies in other industries. The methodology was developed on the basis of cooperation with more than 60 industry organizations such as the United Nations Framework Committee on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

The ITU-T L.1400 Recommendations “Overview and Basic Principles of ICT Environmental Impact Assessment Methods” sets out the basic principles for ICT environmental impact assessment and reporting, and lists different methods for evaluating and reporting environmental impacts in the following areas:

a. ICT products, networks and services;

b. ICT project;

c. ICT of the organization;

d. City ICTs (currently being developed during the writing of this report);

e. The ICT of a country or group of countries (it is being developed during the writing of this report).

Recommendation ITU-T L.1410 “Environment impact assessment methods for ICT-related products, networks and services” sets out standard methods for assessing the direct environmental impact of ICT products, networks and services and the indirect effects of non-ICT industry greenhouse gas emissions. This method is based on the standardized Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method in ISO 14040 and ISO 14044.

Recommendation ITU-T L.1420, “Methods for evaluating the energy consumption and greenhouse gas impact of ICTs in organizations”, standardizes the requirements that organizations should comply with regarding energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

LG Sigma Elevator Spare Parts

LG Sigma Elevator Spare Parts, LG Elevator Spare Parts, Sigma Elevator Spare Parts

Sigma Elevator Company is a subsidiary of Otis Elevator Korea (OEK) in South Korea for all overseas/export markets. It was founded in 2000.

Starting in 1968, "Goldstar" elevators, and later on, "LG" elevators, were counted among the world's top elevator brands. With the beginning of this new millennium, that legacy lives on through the birth of "SIGMA" elevators.

SIGMA Elevator Company will continue on with its mission of supplying elevators and escalators to more than 50 nations worldwide through its global network of 11 sales companies, 2 offices, and 52 agents or distributors.

SIGMA Elevator Company is dedicated to providing its customers with the best quality products and services. SIGMA elevators feature unmatched safety, ride comfort, and modern design. SIGMA escalators and moving walkways are held to similar safety and comfort standards and are integral parts of our modern urban aesthetics.

Changwon factory, Korea, the main factory of SIGMA Elevator, has long been a well-established name in the global elevator industry. SIGMA`s Dalian factory in China produces elevators & escalators to meet the demands of the local and worldwide markets as well.

SIGMA Elevator Company is committed to increasing customer value through a sharp focus on product innovation and customer satisfaction. With technology developed over the past 30 years, an enduring innovative spirit, and enthusiastic attitude towards providing customer value, Sigma Elevator Company stands by its product and service lines with confidence.

Sigma currently has businesses in more than 75 countries worldwide, and subsidiaries in five countries; Hong Kong (China), Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.

In the United States, Sigma elevators were distributed by CemcoLift, which was a historic elevator company bought by Otis and based in Hatfield, PA. However, in 2012 CemcoLift has gone bankrupt and replaced by a new company called Minnesota Elevator Solutions.

It's headquarter, factory and testing tower are located in Changwon, South Korea, which are also operated by Otis Elevator Korea. It also has a secondary factory in Dalian, China, opened in 1998 to meet demands on Chinese elevator market.

In 2014, Sigma had a partnership with EXPRESS Elevator Co., Ltd., an elevator company based in Suzhou, China as well as a subsidiary of Otis. In 2016, Express/Sigma opened their headquarters in Suzhou, China

LG Elevators was the elevator and escalator division of LG Electronics. It was acquired by Otis in 1999 and was later known as LG-OTIS Elevator Company.

LG changed its name from GoldStar in 1994 after GoldStar merged with Lucky Chemical. In 1999, it was acquired by Otis Elevator Company, later known as LG-OTIS Elevator Company from 2000 until 2003, when it was renamed to OTIS-LG Elevator Company. Later in 2006, OTIS-LG was again renamed to Otis Elevator Korea.

LG-OTIS Elevator Company (later OTIS-LG Elevator Company then Otis Elevator Korea) was a joint venture company between Otis and LG Electronics` elevator and escalator division, LG Elevators in South Korea. It was formed in 2000. The brand was renamed to OTIS-LG Elevator Company in 2003 and later Otis Elevator Korea in 2006, where it is currently known as that in South Korea

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CEP Elevator Products ( China ) Co., Ltd. ,

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