Things to be aware of when using a sound tube

Regarding the use of acoustic tubes, we know how to use them, but in order to avoid dangerous accidents, let's take a good look at the small things that should be noted. The sound tube manufacturers should pay attention to when using the sound tube:

1. It is strictly forbidden to use any form of heating deformation measures in the use of steel for acoustic test tube manufacturers, so as to avoid reducing the mechanical properties of the steel of the acoustic test tube manufacturers.

2. It is strictly forbidden to weld during use. Because the strength of the solder joint is much lower than the strength of the steel itself, it is easy to cause broken wire at the solder joint in the tension.

3, the sound tube manufacturer steel cutting should use no teeth (grinding wheel card). It is easy to damage the surface around the steel by electric and gas welding. At the same time, local heating of the end causes a significant decrease in performance.

4, sound tube When the manufacturer's steel wire adopts the circulating reinforcement, its bending radius shall not be less than 3 times the diameter of the steel wire.

5. The stranded wire without shaft winding should be laid out from the inner ring in the vertical state, and the twisted wire spring shape after extraction will be automatically straightened. Tap direction: The direction of the spiral of the spring shape after tapping is consistent with the twist of the strand, otherwise it will be twisted or chaotic.

6. The twisting direction of the stranded wire is generally left-handed. When the right-handed twist is used, it should be indicated in the contract, otherwise it will directly affect the cooperation with the anchorage.

7. The quality of the steel wire hoe of the acoustic measuring tube manufacturer is not directly related to the quality of the steel wire itself, but the excessive strength will not be good for the quality of the steel hoe. Therefore, when you use the hoe to anchor, you should order in the order. My company explained.

(4) Acceptance:

1. The acceptance of steel for acoustic measuring tube manufacturers shall be carried out in accordance with relevant national standards. The testing instruments shall be national legal measuring instruments and comply with the test standards.

2. If quality problems occur during acceptance, please pay attention to check whether the following items meet the requirements:

(1) Whether the latest national standards and test methods have been selected for acceptance.

(2) Whether the tonnage of the test machine is suitable; whether the measurement is accurate; whether the fracture of the steel is broken; whether the nominal area is used to calculate the strength.

(3) Whether the bending bayonet of the bending tester meets the national standard, whether the surface finish of the bayonet, the height of the hole, and the test bending angle meet the standard.

(4) The elongation of steel should be measured by a sharp, standard marking distance tool and no damage to the surface of the steel.

(5) Whether the steel itself has serious rust or artificial surface damage caused by storage.

(5) Release line
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