The most easily consumed heavy metals in life

1. After the seawater is contaminated, fishes tend to accumulate lead and mercury, crustaceans are rich in cadmium and mercury, and mollusks are rich in lead. Of course it is safest to eat less.
Recommendation: Really want to eat, experts say, first of all to choose the fish produced in less polluted waters; Second, do not eat seafood more than a day, the number should not exceed 100 grams; try to eat small seafood, large seafood Department At the higher stage of the food chain, more contaminants are accumulated in the body; do not eat or eat less fish head, skin, oil, internal organs, fish eggs, and shark's fin. Finally, when eating, eat muscle parts of shellfish, because its internal organs store relatively heavy metals.

2. Some Chinese medicine cinnabar contains mercury, and realgar contains arsenic. Long-term heavy use can lead to the accumulation of heavy metals, causing severe liver and kidney damage.

3. If there are unsafe factors in the animal viscera poultry feed, some heavy metals and other harmful substances will be deposited in the viscera.
Suggestion: When eating animal internal organs, it is best to mix some coarse grains and vegetables to supplement dietary fiber.

4. When laying eggs, lead oxide can gradually penetrate into the eggs. The preserved eggs in the market are divided into leaded and unleaded preserved eggs.
Recommendation: You can recognize the label, choose lead-free preserved eggs, and add some vinegar when you eat preserved eggs. Acidic substances can minimize the absorption of toxic substances in the body.

5. Drink cans with canned beverages Aluminum cans are made of aluminum alloy. The inner wall of the can is coated with an organic coating to isolate the aluminum alloy from the beverage. Some unqualified aluminum cans may not be coated with protective coating during processing, or may be coated too thin. Over time, aluminum gradually dissolves, especially if the beverage in the can is acidic or alkaline. More harmful.

6. Bright colored tableware To keep the pattern from discoloration, adding some lead, cadmium, and other heavy metals when burning dishes can be "fixed." If inferior pigments are used, the cadmium will dissolve into the foods as long as they meet the acidity and alkalinity of the food.
Suggestion: Choose light colored plain utensils as much as possible; try to select the patterns on the top, edges, and outside of the porcelain, with less chance of contact with food; newly bought ceramic utensils, use boiling water for 5 minutes before the first use, you can put The harmful substances in the ceramic dishes dissolve out.

7. The water in drinking fountains is seriously unsatisfactory in drinking fountains. The stainless steel liner material is unstable, resulting in excessive levels of heavy metals such as chromium and nickel. Water-soluble heavy metals, chlorine, chloroform, and other carcinogens are visually essential. Can not see, there will be no consequences in the short term, but long-term drinking will be deposited in the body, a serious impact on physical health.
Suggestion: When purchasing the water dispenser, pay attention to see whether there is a national certification "3C" sign; every three months, cleaning and inspection of the water dispenser liner.

8. Copper or lead faucet The longer the copper water meter, faucet, and lead-containing water pipe are used, the lower the PH value of the tap water is, and the greater the degree of contamination of the heavy metal is.
Recommendation: Do not install water-softening devices because soft water dissolves copper and lead more easily.

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