German energy giant seeks to enter markets outside Europe

According to an overseas media report on January 2 in Berlin, Johannes Teyssen, chief executive of Germany’s energy giant E.ON AG, said in an interview with a reporter from the Borsen-Zeitung newspaper that the newspaper is based in Farakov, said that for the first time, German E outside the European market was concerned. .ON plans to invest "billions of euros" to expand overseas markets.

He said that the German E.ON company may make steps to enter markets outside Europe in the first half of this year.

Borsen-Zeitung reported that German E.ON company had explored the investment opportunities in Brazil, India and Turkey before this, and some of its potential projects are about to reach a mature level.

However, the CEO of German E.ON company ruled out the possibility of the company's investment in new nuclear power plants in any target country during the interview. He said that the risk of building a new nuclear power plant will be very high.

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