After saccharification, the rice flour is saccharified, which can convert some starch into sugar, which can make the pigs eat fast. The method is: put the corn flour in the tank, then pour 2 times of hot water to make a paste, then sprinkle 5 cm thick dry powder on the surface, and saccharify after 3 to 4 hours.
Soaked feeding rice can absorb water and swell and soften when it is soaked. Pigs are easy to chew and easy to digest and absorb. Soaking method: soak 1 to 1.5 times of water in corn flour for about 2 hours.
The crushed feeding rice should be smashed and fed, and the crushed corn noodles should not be stored for a long time. Due to the high fat content of corn, it is prone to deterioration after a long time. The amount of pulverization should be used up to 15 days, and it should be used up in 10 days in summer.
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