Chloroacetic acid market analysis

Chloroacetic acid market analysis

According to the data of the commodity company's commodity list, the domestic market for chloroacetic acid was stable this week. From the beginning of the week to the weekend, the price remained at 4,375 yuan/ton, and the current price rose by 23.49% year-on-year.

Second, market analysis products: This week, chloroacetic acid market conditions higher, the mainstream manufacturers in Shandong offer in the 4500-4800 yuan / ton, the mainstream quoted in Henan in the 4600-4800 yuan / ton, Hebei mainstream quoted in the 4400-4700 yuan / ton , Jiangsu and Zhejiang mainstream quoted at 4700-5000 yuan / ton, around the chloroacetic acid ups and downs, the market price is different.

Industry chain: Upstream ** market is bullish, acetic acid price is concussed and consolidates. Weekends close at 4,025 yuan/ton. Costs are boosted. Chloroacetic acid companies are forced to raise prices due to cost pressures. Downstream pharmaceutical companies pick up orders according to prices. Market transactions The trend is good.

3. The market outlook predicts that the summer is a traditional off-season chloroacetic acid. The inventory of chloroacetic acid is generally low, and the downstream pharmaceutical companies have not been able to perform well, but the cost of raw materials is boosted. Therefore, Guo Shuai, an analyst of Chloroacetic Acid, a branch of the Business Society, believes: Chloroacetic acid. Price or within a narrow range, the mainstream price or at 4600-4800 yuan / ton.

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